Preventing Infection and Common Causes of VAC
August 6th 2016Grace Lee, MD, MPH, associate medical director, Infection Control, Boston Children’s Hospital, discusses the current VAP bundle and its focus on infectious conditions as well as the need for a VAC bundle that will prevent other causes of VAC for patients on the ventilator.
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Tips on Preventing Infections in Pediatric Settings
August 2nd 2016Thomas Sandora, MD, MPH, hospital epidemiologist at Boston Children’s Hospital, explains the different ways to prevent bloodstream infections in children and pneumonia for children who are on ventilators in pediatric settings.
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Precautions to Prevent MRSA and VRE Transmission in Healthcare Setting
July 29th 2016Michael Calderwood, MD, MPH, previously assistant hospital epidemiologist and associate director of antimicrobial stewardship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, outlines ways in which infection prevention strategies can be modified to fit the needs of immunocompromised individuals.
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Animal-to-Human Infection Transmission During Healthcare Setting Visits
July 27th 2016Gonzalo Bearman, MD, MPH, hospital epidemiologist, Virginia Commonwealth University, explains the risk of animal to human infection transmission during personal pet, service animal, and assisted-therapy animal healthcare setting visitations.
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Minimizing the Risk of Infection Transmission from Animal-assisted Therapies in Healthcare Setting
July 25th 2016Gonzalo Bearman, MD, MPH, hospital epidemiologist, Virginia Commonwealth University, describes possible protocols that healthcare institutions can implement in order to reduce the risk of animal to human infection transmission.
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What is Currently Being Done to Fight the Threats Associated with Antimicrobial-resistance?
July 24th 2016Marion A. Kainer, MD, MPH, FRACP, FSHEA, director, Healthcare Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance Program, Tennessee Department of Health, outlines currently available strategies to avoid antimicrobial resistance.
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Will We See More Cases of Antibiotic-resistant Superbugs in the US?
July 23rd 2016Jason C. Gallagher, PharmD, FCCP, FIDSA, BCPS, President, Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists, in light of the recent antibiotic resistant superbug, shares if we will see more cases of antibiotic resistance in the United States.
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What is Currently the Biggest Threat in Regards to Antimicrobial Stewardship?
July 22nd 2016Jason C. Gallagher, Pharm.D., FCCP, FIDSA, BCPS, President, Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists, in light of the recent antibiotic resistant superbug, tells Contagion what keeps him up at night.
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Collaboration Opportunities Exist for Human Healthcare Practitioners and Veterinarians
July 22nd 2016Gonzalo Bearman, MD, MPH, hospital epidemiologist, Virginia Commonwealth University, explains the importance of collaborations between healthcare providers and veterinarians to understand the risks of infection transmission between animals and humans.
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Risk Factors for HAIs Unique to Special Populations
July 22nd 2016Michael Calderwood, MD, MPH, previously assistant hospital epidemiologist and associate director of antimicrobial stewardship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, explains healthcare associated infection risk factors for individuals who are immunocompromised, and prevention methods.
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Thoughts on Antibacterial and Antimicrobial Central Line Devices
July 20th 2016Michael Calderwood, MD, MPH, previously assistant hospital epidemiologist and associate director of antimicrobial stewardship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, discusses concerns over antibacterial and antimicrobial central line devices.
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